Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hee Haw and Happiness

Only true Hee Haw enthusiasts and those who have stumbled across the show on RFDTV will know this, but Hee Haw is back on the air. RFDTV is showing Hee Haw on reruns from the first episode to the last. That amounts to a bunch of old episodes.

I remember watching Hee Haw with my family as a child. It brings back good memories. But as I watch the show, I amazed at its stupidty. Comedy was so different back then. You could laugh at all sorts of country bumpkin situations: drunkeness, debauchary, and stupidty. Where have those great qualities gone in today's comedy?

I wonder if a show like Hee Haw could even make it past a pilot if it was launched to big cat producers in Hollywood today? If it had failed many of us watching reruns today wouldn't expereince the happiness it brings us today.

This Road is New To Me

This road is new to me.
It is a path unfamiliar to my feet.
They know not where the trips and troubles hide.
It could be safe
by my eyes cannot tell.
This road is new to me.
I cannot tell where this road will end
For this road is new to me.